About Toronto Wireless

Saturday, December 4, 2010

BlackBerry Credit Card Reader ROAMpay Swiper Is Here

By Ray Nicolini
via www/blackberryinsight.com

View Comments 111 ShareshareThis is probably the greatest news for retailers and sales people cause your portable credit card transaction reader is now here. ROAM Data just launched the world’s first encrypted audio coupled card reader for BlackBerry devices, which comprises approximately 30% of the smart phone market in the US. ROAM enables the millions of merchants with BlackBerry devices to securely swipe customers’ payment cards with reduced transaction fees by conveniently plugging-in ROAM’s low cost reader into the audio jack. This unique swiper solution called ROAMpay Swipe is the latest in a series of mCommerce innovations brought to market by ROAM Data.
Watch the demo video to see how ROAM’s ROAMpay Swipe works.

This is probably a great advancement in the sales industry. It can make sales transactions much easier and available anywhere. As for personal use, maybe you can use this product to force your friends to pay you back money you lent them when they use the “no cash” excuse. Either way, what I think is really cool about this product is the fact that it connects to your BlackBerry through the audio jack. If anyone has tried out this product, let us know more about how it works and your thoughts.

Buy ROAMpay Swipe for BlackBerry


sim only deals said...

ROAM Pay..
pay from anywhere..
good one.. :)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone used this service in Canada? My research in the past week implies that it is not. RoamPay hasn't returned my phone call or email requesting information. Both Inuit (Quickbooks) and Sage
(Simply) are shown on RoamPay's website. But Quickbooks "go payment merchant account" confirmed today that it is only available in US. Simply Accounting Canada, also confirmed not available in Canada.

Anonymous said...

Will soon be available in Canada from Moneris Solutions in Jan 2012.